One of the rules we had to take into consideration was the 180 degree rule (shown left). When filming, characters should always have the same left/right relationship so that it looks correct. If this rule wasn't used it would look as if the people involved kept moving places inbetween shots and wouldn't look correct. This also plays a part wen using shot, reverse shot. This is when two people are talking and it shows you the scene from both peoples perspective.
Match-on-Action was also used when filming. For example, when we filmed the hand opening the door and instead of then showing the boy walk in and close it, we showed him sitting down or leaving again it wouldn't make sense. Matching the shots together correctly adds to the continuity of the filming and makes it look like one single event, not a series of events filmed at different times.
Our Preliminary Excersise came out quiet well and I think we used all of the rules above appropriately. One of my favourite parts is when the hand reaches for the door and you see it open from the other side. This shows our knowledge of match on action. Also, the discussion shows our understading of shot, reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. One of the problems we had was using the microphone to record sound. For half, we forgot to attach it and has made the video sound quiet rough and not as clean as we would want in a final piece. When we film our final piece we will have to take special care in how we use it.
Our Preliminary Excersise came out quiet well and I think we used all of the rules above appropriately. One of my favourite parts is when the hand reaches for the door and you see it open from the other side. This shows our knowledge of match on action. Also, the discussion shows our understading of shot, reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. One of the problems we had was using the microphone to record sound. For half, we forgot to attach it and has made the video sound quiet rough and not as clean as we would want in a final piece. When we film our final piece we will have to take special care in how we use it.
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