Thursday, 6 May 2010

Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups

 My film is mostly about young adult/teenagers (18-20) and so in one of the two scenes they are in, it involves some violence and quiet a lot of very strong language (considering there is only a few lines in the opening). We did this so that the viewer thinks straight away that these are probably quiet similar to other delinquent teens that they have seen in previous movies. Although the characters have much more depth then just being stereotypical hooligans, we wanted to make it clear that despite their differences in appearance and character, they are all a little bit bad on the inside.
   The cast I chose to play them was also very carefully thought out. All the people are chose to play these characters have previously played rolls that depicted them as being a little 'rough around the edges' and so as soon as the audience see's these actors, they will kind of expect what to see and how their characters in my movie are going to be portrayed.
   The character played by Grace Brown is supposed to depict a queit upper class, well off buissness woman. We tried to show this mainly through the use of mise-en-scene. Her costume was the one we spent most the time on because she didn't have very many lines and we wanted to get across her character as quickly as possible. The choice of wearing high heels, I think, worked perfectly. It completely summarises up what her role is about, especially when she steps on the end of her cigarette. Also, by makeing her the boss of the boys we have kind of flipped the way in which females are normally depicted. She is the one calling the shots, and to fit this we needed an actress that would do this right.
   Once again the person chose to play her was a hard choice. After seeing the movie Rock n Rolla and seeing how Thandie Newton portrayed herself as being quiet a stuck up, but sexy and powerful female roll we knew straight away she would fit in seamlessly. She is quiet old, especially to the rest of the cast, and this is also important. If the actress we chose was too young, I don't think they would be able to pull it off correctly. The only young actress I think might be able to do this would be Juno's Ellen Page. However, she might seem a bit too friendly, and not boss like with the boys.
   The only other character is the burglar, but he is hardly in it so doesn't really have much effect on how any certain type of social group is represented. This was done intentionally so it remained a mystery as to who he is until right at the end when you find out the rest of the story.

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