Friday, 7 May 2010

Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While making my intro I have learned a lot more about the technology used in media production. First was our camera which was a DV. This simply means it can be played digitally. Using this, we learned about how to add effects on the camera its self and the use of zooming in and out while filming. One of the things I was most shocked at was how a simple tripod can be so useful. Not only does it help keep the camera steady, it also provides smooth panning shots from a range of different heights. It can even be tilted to look at awkward angels that may of been hard to do with the same precision if it just been hand held.

   The part I enjoyed the most was the editing and I learnt huge amounts of new infomation just using it over a few weeks. We used Adobe Premier Pro which was very useful. Just by experimenting I found out how to add transitions, titles, edits on the clip itself and backing music/sound effects. I am now confident I have quiet a good understanding of how the editing process works, at least at an amateur level.
   Finally I learnt a lot about how to use technologies in my house, such as lights, to our advantage. We found the lights in my kitchen were too bright, even when using a dimmer bulb. To over come this we put a cone of paper around a low watt bulb to give the opening half a very dark, yet still visible look.

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